I used to be one of those until I started using the product. This product saves me money by ensuring I use the fuel more efficiently. It does not matter which type of fuel (petrol, gas, diesel) you use this product improves your consumtion figures. Because the fuel is used more efficiently there are less harmful emissions being produced, so I am doing my bit to save the planet as well!!!
This product will save you at least7% on your current fuel consumption and ther have been reports of it saving in excess of 20%, but I must state that this is not what to expect. If it saves you just 7% then it is going to leace you with extra money in your pocket even after taking account the price of the product.
Ethosfr is available via network marketing only so you will never see it available in shops or malls.
This product has been available on the network marketing circuit for just over a year but it is by no means a new product. It has been available for over 10 years and for the 5 years prior to that it was undergoing vigourous testing.
You can read more about it here. You can also use this link to sign up for your own home business.

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